Sarah Breton: Musician, Friend & Artisan
Sarah Breton is a wonderful spirit who has resided, walked, and taught here at Sticks and Stones Farm for several years.
Q: What are your favorite things about Sticks and Stones Farm?
A: “Celine, magical moss mamas, beautiful memories and kindred spirits - all of the wild creatures that I meet here.”
“In 2006, I fell in deep love with this magical mountain”
Sarah is a yoga teacher, musician, mother, friend, artist and soap maker who frequents the farm and coop on a regular basis. Her soaps are home-made, hand-made and home grown - she raises goats on her homestead - Honey Hollow Farm.
Q: Where do the materials for your products come from?
A: “Nature, goats, the earth. My heart.”
When asked where her inspiration comes from, she simply and with her own gentle brand of straightforward, no nonsense, language wrote, “Being in nature fully. Mind, body and soul.”
If you would like to find Sarah Breton, you can see her climbing Moss Mountain, attending any of Sticks and Stones musical events, play with the Moss Mountain Mamas or you can see her through her work available at Moss Mountain Coop.