Lacee Yurtoglu | An Advocate for the Arts

Lacee Yurtoglu was brought to my attention when she kindly contacted me after a local show of mine at Molten Java in Bethel, CT. I quickly learned that besides being a talented illustrator, she also ran several shows in New Milford, CT. Lacee has an extremely kind heart and a passion for helping artists succeed. Never have I seen such sincere drive in a person. While curating and facilitating shows sounds glamorous, it takes patients, guts and a deep love for artists; all of which Lacee possesses.
Lacee is a 24 year old "water color and ink works'" specialist, with a degree in "a free life full of love". When asked where she draws her inspiration, she wrote, "I draw inspiration from Mother nature, I'm also lucky to be surrounded by talented like minded artists who often inspire me while I work with them. I'm inspired by the works of Charles Burns and M.C. Esser".

"I draw inspiration from Mother nature"

She also supports the businesses in her community by purchasing goods from them, like all of the quality products she uses in her work. "I buy most of my materials from the Village Center for the Arts" she adds. The VCA is run by Jayson (and his band of helpers) and curated by none other than Laccee Yurtoglu. The VCA is a local gem, set up to run all kinds of art programs for the community. The center has a gallery, a work space with tons of materials, pottery wheels, and a massive library of records (just pick one, and Jayson will play it for you).
Lacee currently has 3 pieces for sale in The Moss Gallery, all are framed illustrations. "All of my works are original designs, I don't sell prints. They often come from my imagination or subconscious. A tangible piece of my life drawn or painted".
If you want to learn more about Lacee Yurtoglu, or are interested in purchasing some of her artwork you can find her on Instragram: @LaceeArt or #LaceeArt, on Facebook at or you can email her directly at
Untill next time....